Thursday, January 17, 2008

We're so excited!

In the morning, we'll be leaving to visit Rick's parents. We're looking forward to visiting with them as Rose is feeling a bit better. Then on Saturday morning, it's off to see the Jensens! We'll get to spend Saturday and Sunday with them and then back to Nampa. Then back home on Monday.

We've had a busy week and this will be a nice, relaxing time.

Thanks from everyone for the encouragement in losing weight. I don't know how much longer I can get away with serving healthy meals. Rick thinks I'm trying to starve him without his "beef" each night. I'll keep trying to slip in healthy meals every now and then.

My treat lately has been mochi soup! Stomie's relatives in SoCal sent them a bunch of Mochi for New Years. Rick brought a packet home. We toast it, put it in soup with spinach and fish cake. It's Wonderful! I just can't eat too much of it or else I'll be as round as a sumo wrestler! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We will feed him some beek when he gets here! :-)