Friday, February 27, 2009

My bad - Happy Birthday Joe!

Ok, numbers are numbers, but when it comes to age, numbers mean a lot more. I published the wrong number! Yikes. So I pulled the post from my blog. Joes is only 62! My sincere apologies. And what a gracious person in letting me know. I'll need to have my sources double check in the future. Let that not diminish the sinserity of our wishes! We hope your day was great!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Couple More Pics from our Hike


Per the insistance of my family members :) Here's how I spent my day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Birthday Time!

This day is great because we get to honor two people. Stomie turns 94 today! What a great gift he is to our family. Today is also Cathy's Birthday. Cathy is the example to me of someone who serves her family faithfully! If you read Proverbs 31 and wonder what that woman looks like, you can paste Cathy's picture there. You both rock! Have a wonderful day of celebration.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


When Rick went to Boise this weekend to see his Mom, he was greeted with bears. Cousins! Families are so awesome - some have more characters than others, but they are great just the same.